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Treatments Areas

Upper Body







Lower Back

Under Arms


Lower Body

Full Legs

Half Legs




Bikin Line

Brazilian Bikini


Upper Lip





Inbetween Eyebrows



About Laser Hair Removal.

Laser Hair Removal Pre-Treatment :
Stay out of the sun for at least two weeks.

Shave the area to be treated.

Treatment area should be clean (no lotions, creams, makeup, etc.).

Laser Hair Removal Treatment:
For your safety and the effectiveness of the Laser Hair Removal procedure,
our skin specialists may ask some medical questions before your procedure.

For your safety and comfort, all our laser hair removal equipment is medical grade.

Laser Hair Removal equipment contains cooling systems to ease the mild pinching of the laser;
you may feel a slight cooling sensation.

Laser Hair Removal Post-Treatment:
It is normal for the hair to continue to grow until all sessions are completed;
however, you will notice that significantly less hair will grow back after each laser treatment.

Your skin will return to its natural color shortly after laser treatment.
Very rarely, some pink or redness may linger for a day or two.

Do not wax between laser sessions; only shave if necessary.

Results After Laser Hair Removal Treatment:
Significantly less hair grows back after each treatment.

Depending on your skin type and hair color, permanent hair removal can be expected.

Multiple laser sessions required at five week intervals.

Who is a candidate for laser Hair Removal?

The best candidate for laser hair removal would be someone with very light skin and dark hair. That's because we want the laser to "see" the hair without "seeing" the skin because we want the hair, not the skin, to absorb the laser light. Having said that, basically anyone who has some pigmentation to their hair is a good candidate for laser hair removal. This is as long as the hair is not around the eyes. So that means that almost everyone is a good candidate as long as their hair has some pigment.

​Is Laser Hair Removal permanent?
The FDA approved laser hair removal for permanent hair reduction, but our clients often call it permanent hair removal!


How many Laser Hair Removal treatments will I need and how often?
Each hair follicle passes through three different growth phases. An active (growth) phase, an intermediate (resting) phase where no growth occurs but the hair is still visible, and a resting phase where the hair is released from the follicle. It is necessary to treat the hair in an active growing phase in order to target the germination cells that produce the hair in the follicle. Because not all hair follicles are in a growing phase at the same time, multiple sequential treatments are required for optimal hair reduction. On Average, most clients will require over 8 treatments to experience 70% to 90% hair reduction. Treatments for facial areas are usually scheduled 4-6 weeks apart, while body areas are scheduled 4-12 weeks apart. It is recommended to do treatments consistently, as this allows us to treat all the hair follicles in a growth cycle at some time during your hair removal treatments.


What should I do, before and after a treatment?
Please shave the area to be treated the morning of the treatment. The less hair on the skin during treatment, the more comfortable the treatment. Avoid the sun 2 to 3 weeks before and after treatment until your technician allows it. You must not bleach, pluck or wax for 3 weeks prior to your treatment.
It is OK to resume shaving or clipping hair in the treated area after 3-4 days. You should not have waxing, plucking or electrolysis done after laser treatment, because these procedures will temporary remove pigmented hairs from the hair roots and reduce the effectiveness of your next laser treatment. Sometimes after plucking or waxing the hair becomes thicker and darker, as one of the ways the body defends itself from chronic irritation is to produce thicker, darker hairs.
Shaving is the best temporary way to remove unwanted hair before laser treatment and between laser treatments. Shaving leaves the hair shafts in the hair follicles so they can be good targets during the next laser treatment, optimizing your results.



Who performs the Laser treatments?
Licensed Medical Professionals and Certified Laser Specialists.


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